Friday 28 October 2011

In order to receive feedback from myself and Ciara's idea for our short film, we produced a short presentation including a short sample scene, story board and proposal. We presented to the class firstly giving them a quick summary of the proposal, so we explained the plot, the cost, and locations we had in mind for our film. We then showed the class our story board for them to gain an even greater insight to our idea and to understand the different camera angles, lightening and sound that we plan to use.

We received a range of feedback from positives too crictisms. After the presentation myself and Ciara watched the presentation again to gain a full understanding of the feedback. Our class said we should add quiet atmopsheric music when the characters are being watched to add tension and to create more of an dramatic effect.

To shoot the writing on the wall scene we planned to use a chromakey suit however this idea turned out to be unsuccessful, instead from the feedback from our presentation we were given the idea of taking indiviual shots of each letter of the word "beware" then adding them together to create a disjointed, jiggered animation.

Overall I was very happy with the comments our sample scene recieved and I found the feedback extemley helpful as it helped us develop our ideas and see our film from a different perspective. I look forward to filming our actual film know and I will follow all the adivce given to us to the best of my ability to ensure the quality of our film is improved.